This document is part of a study, conducted by Ed Vavra, of the syntax of students' writing.
Student's Text: | Comments: |
article {in recent
news} concerning
a dress code problem has indeed two sides to be considered. \F\[If
indeed, there is a dress code written.]
\-\{On one side} any restrictions should be followed. \-\You should have respect {for your supervisor.} \-\This is a public place \-\and [if there are any specific dress codes,] they should be followed. \-\Part {of your job} is to follow rules and instructions. \-\I'm sure [a dress code was discussed {at the time} [the women were hired.]] \-\The women also have the right to dress [as [they think] is approate.] \-\Any person should have the choice {of their attire, the style, the color, ect.} \-\[If their dressed {within code restriction}] this should have no affect {on their ability} to do the job [they were hired for.] \-\Any person has the right to sue another person [if they feel [it is justified.]] \-\[If a problem can be resolved {among each other}] that would be the best solution. \-\[If not] the judicial system can help resolve these matters. |
[sic] [sic] |
Raw Data |
Calculated Data |
of words = 170 Number of paragraphs = 4 # of Prepositional Phrases = 9 # of Sub Clauses Level
1 = 9 # of Sub Clauses Level 2 = 3 # of Sub Clauses Level 3 = 0 # of Sub Clauses Level 4= 0 # of Fragments = 1 # of S/V Agr Errors = 0 |
per main clause = 12.1 Prep Phrases / Main Clause = .64 % of words in P Phrases = 19 Total Sub Clauses / Main Cl = .86 Sub Clauses Level 2+ / MC = .21
Words per paragraph = 42.5 |
Unanalyzed Text:
The article in recent news concerning
a dress code problem has indeed two sides to be considered. If indeed,
there is a dress code written.
On one side any restrictions should
be followed. You should have respect for your supervisor. This is a public
place and if there are any specific dress codes, they should be followed.
Part of your job is to follow rules and instructions. I'm sure a dress
code was discussed at the time the women were hired.
The women also have the right to dress
as they think is approate. Any person should have the choice of their attire,
the style, the color, ect. If their dressed within code restriction this
should have no affect on their ability to do the job they were hired for.
Any person has the right to sue another
person if they feel it is justified. If a problem can be resolved among
each other that would be the best solution. If not the judicial system
can help resolve these matters.