Assignment for
First of the Final Two In-Class Essays

     In the Spring of 95, Penn College did not have an Exam Week. Classes simply met until the end of the semester. I have never believed that an in-class essay is the best way to end a course on writing, but because I use the final class meeting as an evaluation session at which time I give students their course grades, I had found that the only profitable use of the last two classes was to have students write during them. (This gives me the time I need to grade the final major paper.) When I started this project, I didn't reallize how long it would take. Unfortuately, I am not sure of the exact sheet that I put on the overhead for this essay, but I believe it was the following:

In-class essay

     "Equality of the sexes" is a common idea, but the phrase is used more than thought about. Write an essay in which you explain what the phrase does and does not mean.


     Write an essay in which you explain the main things you learned in this course.


     Write an essay on a topic of your choice that demonstrates what you learned this semester.


     Dr. Vavra died and went to h______. Write an essay about what he will find there.