School of Sciences, Humanities and Visual Communications English Department
Course Description: Continued development of the writing principles developed in ENL 111. Emphasis on writing about literature and its themes and applications of the skills learned in ENL111 to examine the purposes and styles of literary writing. Topics include the study of poetry, prose, and drama as well as the social and cultural significance of language and literature. Course work focuses on critical analysis and interpretation of literature through discussions and written assignments. Course satisfies Communications elective and General core elective course. 3 Credits (3 Lecture - 0 Lab) Prerequisite(s): ENL111. Instructor's Ideas about the Course In addition to their other virtues, literary works provide a good background for writing because the instructor and the students see and share the same world within the literary work. I try to use this virtue to help students systematize and organize their ideas. Click here for additional information. Required Texts: Edward Bellamy's Looking BackwardRequired Materials: A large 3-ring notebook (or two or more smaller ones); looseleaf paper for the notebooks (for class notes); two or three two-pocket folders; one 9 x 12 plain brown envelope, small stapler, paper clips, pens, pencils Attendance Attendance is required.
I want you to get full value for your money. Even if you do not think you
need it for yourself, your classmates will often need your reaction to
their work and to what is happening in class. After you miss three hours
of class (excused or unexcused), I may deduct one point per additional
class hour missed from your course grade. If you need to miss more than
three hours, be sure to discuss it with me.
Class cancellation: I rarely miss a class, but if I need to and know well in advance, I will e-mail the entire class. If I do not know well in advance, I will ask one of the secretaries to post notices on classroom doors. Withdrawal Policy:
Late submission of major papers: Late major papers will
be penalized ten points per day of the week, Monday through Friday. With
the exception explained in the next paragraph, papers will not be considered
late as long as I receive the paper (and envelope) by class time on the
due date. Remember, however, that if you ask before the paper is due, you
may be able to get an extension on the due date.
Make-up tests and homework: Late homework assignments will not be accepted unless you have notified me before the assignment is due. You can do so by phone, but I prefer that you do so by e-mail. If you do it by e-mail, I will respond with a note telling you to attach that note to the late work so that I cannot possibly forget that I gave you permission. Similarly, missed class work cannot be made up unless you have notified me in advance that you will have to miss the class. Plagiarism: Plagiarism includes using sentences,
phrases, paragraphs, organization or whole essays from any other person's
work without formally documenting it. It also includes handing in a paper
for this course that you wrote for another course without first receiving
my written permission to do so. There are, obviously, different degrees
of plagiarism. You are, for example, responsible for every word and every
punctuation mark in your essay. If you cannot explain what a word in your
paper means, you can be considered guilty of plagiarism and receive an
F on that paper. On the other hand, if you hand in a paper that includes
work that is clearly not your own work, you will automatically fail the
course. If you have any questions about what you are doing, please ask
me, and save us both grief.
Academic Dishonesty Complaint ProcedureGrades
B. Distribution:
Cell phones and other electronic devices: Turn cell phones and other electronic devices off during class. Except for tests and in-class writing assignments, you may use a computer during class -- for purposes of the class. If you use it for anything else, you will lose this privilege. Student audio/video recording of class: Ask first. If you find this helpful, I have no objections to your doing so--unless other students in the class object. (Some students may be less willing to participate if they are being recorded.) Disabilities and Special Needs If you have a disability or special need that you think I should know about (one that might affect your getting work in on time or one that requires additional testing time), it is your responsibility to inform me of these requirements. All information will be kept strictly confidential. ENL 121 COURSE COMPETENCIES Upon completion of this course students should be able to 1. Define a significant topic or issue to write about a. select a limited topic, emphasizing responses to and critical analysis of literature2. Compose, develop, and support thesis and topic sentences a. apply techniques of critique, analysis, and synthesis3. Effectively plan and organize papers. 4. Revise, edit, and proofread writing a. use diction appropriate for formal discourse5. Locate, evaluate, use, and cite primary and secondary sources a. emphasize primary sources6. Understand and use basic literary terms and concepts a. distinguish among various genres |