To Kill
a Mockingbird |
Assignments are to the Warner Books, 1982 edition.
Assignment One:
Read: [You must be logged in through
Penn College for the lnks to work.]
"(Nelle) Harper Lee," in
Contemporary Authors. [Literature Resource Center]
Ricker-Wilson, Carol.
"When the Mockingbird Becomes an Albatross: Reading and Resistance in the
Language Arts Classroom." The English Journal, Mar., 1998. (87:3)
67-72. [JSTOR]
Bushman, John H. "Young
Adult Literature in the Classroom--Or Is It?" The English Journal.
Mar., 1997. (86:3) 35-40. [JSTOR]
Schuster, Edgar H. "Discovering
Theme and Structure in the Novel." The English Journal. Oct.,
1963. (52:7) 506-511. [JSTOR]
Study the Assignment
for MP # 3.
Assignment Two: To
Kill a Mockingbird, Chapters 1 - 5 (pp. 5-50)
Bring to class (on paper with your name also on it) one question or
comment about how a specific paragraph (or sequence of paragraphs) is related
to the critical concepts or critical
approaches we have been discussing in the course.
Assignment Three: To
Kill a Mockingbird, Chapters 6 - 9 (pp. 50-89) [Monday,
MP # 2 Due]
Bring to class (on paper with your name also on it) one question or
comment about how a specific paragraph (or sequence of paragraphs) is related
to the critical concepts or critical
approaches we have been discussing in the course.
Assignment Four: To
Kill a Mockingbird, Chapters 10 - 13 (pp. 89-134)
Bring to class (on paper with your name also on it) one question or
comment about how a specific paragraph (or sequence of paragraphs) is related
to the critical concepts or critical
approaches we have been discussing in the course.
Assignment Five: To
Kill a Mockingbird, Chapters 14 - 18 (pp. 134-189)
Bring to class (on paper with your name also on it) one question or
comment about how a specific paragraph (or sequence of paragraphs) is related
to the critical concepts or critical
approaches we have been discussing in the course.
Assignment Six: To
Kill a Mockingbird, Chapters 19 - 25 (pp. 190-241)
Bring to class (on paper with your name also on it) one question or
comment about how a specific paragraph (or sequence of paragraphs) is related
to the critical concepts or critical
approaches we have been discussing in the course.
Assignment Seven: To
Kill a Mockingbird, Chapters 26 - 31 (pp. 241-281)
Bring to class (on paper with your name also on it) one question or
comment about how a specific paragraph (or sequence of paragraphs) is related
to the critical concepts or critical
approaches we have been discussing in the course.