Pennsylvania College of Technology |
Dr. Vavra's
ENL 121: Lit & Comp
The Madona
of the Magnificat
Uffizi, Florence
Paper Assignment # 1
Writing about a Short
Story |
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You can choose from the following stories.
[The numbers in brackets after the stories are approximate word-counts.]
You should be able to find at least one credible
source in ProQuest, Jstor, Literature Resource Center, Google Scholar,
or OCLC Electronic Collections Online for the following.
Andreyev, Leonid N. "Lazarus"
[Offsite], [7,432]
Cather, Willa. "Eric
Hermannson's Soul" [9,364]
Chekhov, Anton. "The
Darling" [5,159]
Conrad, Joseph, "The
Lagoon" [5,604]
Dreiser, Theodore. "The
Lost Phoebe," [6,622]
Gogol, Nikolai "The
Cloak" (also called "The Overcoat") [12,328]
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. "Ethan
Brand" [6463]
Maugham, W. Somerset. "The
Colonel's Lady" [7,163]
Melville, Herman. "Bartleby
the Scrivener" [14,356]
Stockton, Frank. "His
Wife's Deceased Sister" [4,396]
Sources will probably be hard to find for the following.
Aicard, Jean. "The
Vase of Clay" [1,810]
Bazin, Rene. "The
Birds in the Letter-box" [2,240]
Cheneviere, Adolphe. "Tonton"
Heyse, Paul "The Fury,"
Hope, Anthony. "The
Philosopher in the Apple Orchard" [2,680]
Maugham, W. Somerset. "The
Judgment Seat" [1,827]
Maupassant, Guy de "Old Mongilet"
Pritchett, V. S. "The Saint" [Off-site at: NMI
resources and information] [5,172]
Check these out!
Other Sample Papers:
The Road to Insanity, by Tammy K. Berkheiser
(on E.B. White's "The Door")
The Tranquility of Innocence, by Adam Leonard
(on J.D. Salinger's "For Esme, with Love and Squalor"