Assignments for Week # 11
ENL 111 (Vavra)
Note: The links in the left column will not work for you. They take me to my class notes.
  Due In-class
Mar 22
1. Read and take notes on William G. Perry's "Examsmanship and the Liberal Arts: A Study in Educational Epistemology In 50-100 words, write a summary of it that would be a draft for MP #3. Note: Some students find this essay confusing. Concentrate on what Perry means by "bull," "cow," and "frames of reference." Also, look up the meaning of "Epistemology."

2. Bring a specific, written relevant question about this assignment to class.

Collect Resubmissions

Collect Summary

Mar 24
1. Bring all four essays on thinking plus your notes to class. 

2. Bring a specific, written relevant question about this assignment to class. (Optional) 

In-class essay
Mar 26
1. Study Syntax Lesson 18 (Fixing Fragments) and do the Exercise.

2. Study Syntax Lesson 17 (Main-Clause Boundary Errors) and do the Exercise.


Return and discuss IC essay
Discuss Syntax (KGG?)
What can you say about a society that says God is dead and Elvis is alive?