Assignments for Week # 5
ENL 111 (Vavra)
Note: The links in the left column will not work for you. They take me to my class notes.
Due In-class
Feb 8
1. Read They Say/I Say, pages 99 - 114 (Chapter 8 )

2. Study Syntax Lesson 7 (Adding Appositives) and do the exercise.

3. Bring a specific, written relevant question about this assignment to class.


Today (Results of Syntax Test # 1)

Feb 10 
1. Study "Using Research and Documentation" (pp. 41-47) in Writing Papers for College.

2. Do Documentation Ex # 1

3. Do Organization Exercise # 2.

4. Library On-line Tutorial Due.

5. Study Syntax Lesson 8 (Preposition Problems) and do the exercise.

6. Bring a specific, written relevant question about this assignment to class.

Feb 12
1.   Major Paper # 1 Due 

Library Orientation


Collect MP # 1
Class will meet in the Madigan library for a library orientation. (The class usually meets in Room 102 or 200. Ask at the desk.)
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize
how close they were to success when they gave up.
- Thomas Edison