Assignments for Week # 3
ENL 111 (Vavra)
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  Due In-class
Jan 25
1. Read the assignment and grading sheets for MP # 1
2. Browse the Definitions and Explanations of Fallacies. [This can overwhelm some students, so concentrate on what a fallacy is..You will use this material for the assignments on fallacies and thus for MP #3.]
3. Bring a specific, written relevant question about this assignment to class.
Jan 27
1. Write your response to Exercise # 1 (on fallacies).
Suggestion: look in the sections under "Appeals to Motives in Place of Support" and "Changing the Subject." 

2. Read They Say/I Say, pages 49 - 63 (Chapter 4) 

3. Study Syntax Assignment 3 (4 complications) and do the Exercise.

3. Bring a specific, written relevant question about this assignment to class.

Discuss fallacies


Jan 29
1. Bring the materials on fallacies to class

2. Read They Say/I Say, pages 64 - 73 (Chapter 5) 

3. . Study Syntax Assignment 4 (Adding Prepositional Phrases) and do the Exercise.

4. Bring a specific, written relevant question about this assignment to class.

Discuss fallacies


"Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet."  (-- Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle)