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Joke # 7
Answer Key for Level 2
     Because browsers cannot handle double underlining, subjects are in bold green; finite verbs, in bold blue. Complements are in bold dark red, with their labels after them.  The font size of words aleady analyzed has been decreased. Words which remain to be analyzed are still in black. 
Spaces Missing between Words? (Click here for an explanation.)
      Two men, members {of a religious order}, wanted[CNE]

to smoke while walking {in the garden}. They agreed[CNE] that 

each would ask his superior (IO[Note #1]) {for permission}.

     The first one returned to find the second one smoking

and complained indignantly: "I was refused!"

     "What (DO) did you ask?" inquired[CNE] the second one.

     "I asked[CNE] if I could smoke while meditating."

     "Oh," said[CNE] the other, blowing his smoke reflectively

"I asked[CNE] if I could meditate while smoking!"

Baude's Handbook of Humor for All Occasions
Compiled by Jacob M. Braude. 
Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1958. p. 166


1. If you marked "superior" as a direct object, count your answer as correct. We could get into endless discussion, which we do not have the time for, about certain verbs and direct and indirect objects. After verbs such as "ask," I like to think of the person asked as the indirect object, as in "She asked the teacher a question." That, however, is a personal preference, and rather than get bogged down in a technical grammatical question, a question that has no practical relevance to discussions of either errors or style, let's agree that either answer is correct and move on.

Total Words = 73 Words %
L1: In Prep Phrases  9  12
L1: + Adj & Adverbs 12 29
+ L2: S / V / C 33 74

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